Driving Innovation with Advanced Virtual Platforms.
Virtual Platforms
Virtual Platforms provide bit-accurate simulations of complete electronic systems, allowing unmodified binary system software to run seamlessly on standard PCs. This provides developers with a scalable tool for software verification and hardware exploration, significantly reducing time to market, while enhancing software security, performance, and quality.
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Customer values
Shift Left
Start your software development with industry-standard tools long before physical prototypes become available.
Boost your software testing by integrating Virtual Platforms into your Continuous Integration environment, enabling comprehensive testing of every commit.
Leverage non-intrusive debugging to gain deeper insights without affecting system behavior.
Experiment with various hardware configurations and evaluate their impact in real-time, all before going to silicon.
Application Domains
Our Virtual Platforms are categorized as Level 3 and Level 4 a/b virtual ECUs that can be deployed in a wide variety of automotive use scenarios, such as SIL and vHIL enabling true “shift-left” in time to market.
Many contemporary AI/ML accelerator designs are based on custom RISC-V processors. With SIM-V we offer a customizable RISC-V simulation platform covering a wide range of use cases.
SystemC TLM-2.0-based Virtual Platforms have a long use history in the telecom sector. We offer proven solutions for modeling communications systems based on open interfaces.
Cyber-physical systems run complex software stacks with millions of lines of code, often containing bugs and security vulnerabilities. Our Virtual Platforms facilitate comprehensive analysis and introspection of the entire software stack.